keep holding my hand;so we dont get separated

Saturday, February 18, 2006

duncha it feels like to be the one walking away first all the time.mayb next time i shd be the only person made to do tht cus then you wudnt knw how it feels like,its such a horrid thing experience.especially if its the last thing on earth you wud FEEL like doing.HAH gosh come ON you freak its just 1day,wud be the SELFENCOURAGING words i hear frm myself.but its like.when stupid ppl place themselves in unnecessary situations like licking an ice-cold pole then aft end up with the tongue unseparable frm tht sickening matter how hard they try to rip their tongue off frm the pole it!i mean.eventually its possible.but still,OOF,ouch.heartwrenching.ahwellsx)affairs of the heart make no sense.wht did the world do before the invention of blogs,no outlets to rant at.yknw,i'd rather be an outlet instead of some inlet.forever things only going in yet nothing good comes out.&just keep receiving.haha oh whtever. silly little girl with silly little thinkings.
---you be love and i’ll be a liar.

10:24 PM

Friday, February 17, 2006

EH.i like my mcfly layout la,just too bad tht its friggin lost in the bloody vast internet network boohoohoos.STUPID RIPWAY wht kind of stupid image hosting web.this one was intended for like.standby.HAH buts its NICE RIGHT.YES,right:)))yeah,i do prefer it like tht with the focus not as sharp at one like,emphasizes the focused part.anyways i tried takin a few more times but it didnt turn out as good so i just took the best.whees. &why is the stupid enter key not working?!now all my words shall be linked up,all nice&pretty.wuhas &nowimsunnywithahighof75since you tookmyheavyheart,&made it lighttt ---relient k highof75 im so sick of seeing moderately low marks on my papers.i think i shd start being less careless&start studyin properly.HAHA.big joke. -stares at screen. uhmmms. taas?im tired.wakin up late only oneday perweek drastically reduces my energy capacity.HA .is it.very selfish to do everything based on emotions.YESYES.gosh i cant stand it.hw the brain has no control over the emotions.faltering,weak&unable to suppress unreasonable desires.this is like a bloody mess of words.

9:21 PM

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

so anyone who didnt celebrate it yest
&wish to celebrate it tday
may do so by going to fight war.
&happy {belated-- vday:)))))))
multicolored smiless

EVERYDAY'S A VDAY for you&me
wheees x)
so we have vday,belated vday,belated
belated vday,belatedbelatedbelatedbelated
vday,belatedbelated belated belated belated
i alws say
thrs no need for thanks
but.wht you do really overwhelms me
with gratitude
for havin you
being such a SUPERB DUDE
even when i knw
i dont deserve such good fortune
even when im so obviously
i dontknw how you overlook em
but you do
&i really feel spoilt.
&im definitely. far
frm even THINKING
bout giving up on any
of this sparkling fortune
redisforpassionate L.O.V.E<33
you've taken my heart
&im sure you'll be all i need
to pull thru anything
so my life turns into
a multicolored rainbow

i like the ring:)
i think..i'll just.
let it get stuck
on my finger.
&you'd BTR get well
ppl just DONT fall sick on
their bdays.wahas.
sickening heat spell. it tht ppl think.
it is naive of ppl
to believe in the power of love.
isnt love just like a great big hope
tht the othr half will feel the same
tht everyday your world
becomes a shade brighter
tht it will last
tht its gna pull you thru
your ups&downs?
so dont stop believing:)

OHH alrightts im in a good mood.

9:20 PM

Thursday, February 09, 2006

did i not tell you
tht im not like tht girl?
the one who,
throws it all away

i m.dying.for.a.phoneee.
no wars pretty please.
let thr be...PEACE!
&thr was peace.
ha.only in pleasantville then.
release of results tmr!
let a good day.

9:43 PM

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

at least this one's visible now.

be your escape:)
be my escape.

11:41 PM

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

who kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me?who stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams?let there be love - let there be love.

i hope the weather is calm as you sail up your heavenly stream
suspended clear in the sky are the words that we sing in our dreams
let there be love - let there be love,let there be loveLETTHRBELOVE

come on baby blue,shake up your tired eyes,the world is waiting for you.may all your dreaming fill the empty sky.but if it makes you happy,keep on clapping,just remember i'll be by your side&if you don't let go, it's gonna pass you by.......


blog is screwed bad.UGLYUGLYframes
outlining whtever used to fill up the spaces

wipe off the sadsad expression
you wear to ward off comfort
inevitable isnt it,defeat comes as such a blow
who can handle it tht easily.
everyone wud fall,but plsplss
get back on your feet
i'll wait right thr
just over the line whr the race ends.
forever remain the useless trophy (:
ohh how i love this life.
my thoughts r merely secondary.
ohh stop it. -hiss.


10:41 PM

Thursday, February 02, 2006

mascara bleeds a blackened tear

time to wake up,
awake frm this slumber
the living funeral
which you shy away frm
slinking down blackened alleys

i found a place.
whr love bends backwards to meet me :)
(the sweet pink looks pitifully plain
slapped btwn the gaudy colours"/

like it faded behind.

boohooos.i lovepink.)

wake me up.
good day.

7:44 PM

be the one i need
this is ME,&myspace
:i present to you.
gwynneth and all she ever was,
is&will be.
he said something,tht..
pretty much made sense
if he doesnt even condemn
my flaws
why shd i?

for you i will:)

if its tht bad,then
it really will b okay wont it
,just let me be.
loves to all who visit

be the one i trust most
February 2005
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dont stop inspiring me
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lyrics; NODOUBT,running
BEST VIEWED IN 1024x768 screen resolution!(:
&also!pls hav speakers turned on for song!((: