keep holding my hand;so we dont get separated

Monday, June 26, 2006 ALL ALONEE onlinee.......
-sinks into depression while wailing,
"all by myselllff.....".'s back in!
your enthusiasm!
can anyone pls fill tht blank up for me
no im serious!lols.i forgot
whts tht word.CRAP.
its killing me.
-dies.this is practically
not a post.but im bored&just
using this to occupy myself.
guess i should be doing something
more..productive huh.

-watches tv.


11:07 PM

Thursday, June 22, 2006

i knw e piccy isnt really nice.
&e space up thr is a lil disturbing
but i like the heart part
&the pink&brown theme!:)
hurhurs ahh. -delirious
ok shall work on..smOTHR layout.
&ykknw WHTTT!!
i dtknw why but
i cant wait for sports day!
i just loove "holidays".
i am so deluded.teedees.


11:33 PM

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

my hand is havin weird spasms these days.
HMMS!cant write!hahah.kiddin.
im struggling to get away frm this..
blogging halfway&ending up with so many
posts thingy!AHH!


8:18 PM

here's a reminder for myself to thk...
the great person for e brushes on my new lay.
hmms.i forgot.must find!x)

-reverts back to watchintvv

8:14 PM

my blog is dyyinnng....
&i made a new layout!wahaaas
but thrs smth wrong with the coding
ugggh ya,mayb i'll try it out agn
next time haha i did ask my sis to take a look
tho,ah a new oven!!
cus oven means,can bake&eat yummy
sweet stuffs,like COOKIESS yummiliciouss.
cravin for sweet lil stuffs these days.
cookies have been turnin out too chewy these days.
maybe..too much sugar?it taste
a lil just like candy floss when its melting,
then it turns into this..glob-like coagulated
chewy thingy,taste so much like crap you gta
spit it out&end up wasting yr candy floss?
yeahs.only the cookies taste nicer of cus.HAHA.

wht do you do.when ppl drift,
get closer to othrs,&it seems like wht youve
ever had was never there.then thrs no point
in tryin to salvage anything
cus,you never seemed to matter.
&you still wont.
its dejecting just thinking bout such stuffs.
hahah.i reallyreally want my new layout up!
its pink &brown &all nice!hahah.&
i havent touched surprise therree
no more slacking!

-watches tv.

you filled my lil world right up:)

7:48 PM

Saturday, June 17, 2006

i feel so sad! ):
so sad tht im feelin upset ovr nothing.


1:39 AM

Friday, June 09, 2006

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Gwynneth !

  1. A thimbleful of gwynneth would weigh over 100 million tons.
  2. The horns of gwynneth are made entirely from hair!
  3. You should always open gwynneth at least an hour before drinking her.
  4. Some people in Malaysia bathe their babies in beer to protect them from gwynneth .
  5. Gwynneth kept at the window will keep vampires at bay.
  6. Three seagulls flying overhead are a warning that gwynneth is near.
  7. A sixteenth century mathematician lost his nose in a duel over his love for gwynneth , and wore a silver replacement for the rest of his life.
  8. Fish travel in schools, but whales travel in gwynneth !
  9. Humans share about fifty percent of their DNA with gwynneth !
  10. Gwynneth once lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest!
I am interested in - do tell me about

ahaa.gwyn is some MONSTER.wanna know why?read no.4&6 x))

8:55 PM

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

is blogger undergoing like,MINOR construction
or ssit just my internet connection. -eyebrows
anyways,WHOOTS.been out ESCAPE-in today!
wahahass but the weathr,twasnt too kind to
the innocent customers,no but only for a while!
it soon regained its ..shine!literally.HAH.
whtevr.shall start typin normally.
hhmms twas a fine day!&yes,the thrill factor
isnt really thr,singapore is just so HORRIBLEE
cant even provide teens with a decent place
to hav fun&exhilarating rides!!UGGHH.&i wonder
why caucasians still frequent the damn place.
HURHURS but whtevr,go-cart rides r now UNLIMITED
as well!!!kays whtevr,my point is,
doesnt matter wht rides they hav thr really,
its just who you go thr with.
cherish those by yr side!
andandand!two hundred days approaching soon,
it feels like an awfully long time,
the way time has passed,but still,
its awfully short yes.we'll make it the best of us.
anyways,gotta wake up early for choir tmr!
silly teachrs,UGH
uhhs.yaa.silly.making us go back for PRAC
evn when we're not performing,extremely


12:19 AM

Thursday, June 01, 2006

im here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby
&i dream about you all the time

full house crazee!
i feel like im wasting my days away
just waiting for the end of the week to come.
; ahwells.

the bedtime stories we spin
their span expandin past the cobwebs
hanging frm yr fingertips
falling frm your fingertips
just like those tears of pearls
tht fall frm yr tearstained empty vessel
(eyes,you call them?)
coming to rest upon yr veiled face
devouring yr empty frame

[edit]i think ive been cranky tday.
mayb it mightve seemed like personal attack,
but pls just dont mind my burnin comments
they werent intentional,nono,not like those
mean girlsx(&its frustrating to see
someone so blind,too aware,much too sensitive,
cus not everyone judges.mayb at adolescence
everything's just magnified,veryvery horribly
&i just cant handle it properly then,
smthing so fragile..[/edit]

5:19 PM

be the one i need
this is ME,&myspace
:i present to you.
gwynneth and all she ever was,
is&will be.
he said something,tht..
pretty much made sense
if he doesnt even condemn
my flaws
why shd i?

for you i will:)

if its tht bad,then
it really will b okay wont it
,just let me be.
loves to all who visit

be the one i trust most
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dont stop inspiring me
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lyrics; NODOUBT,running
BEST VIEWED IN 1024x768 screen resolution!(:
&also!pls hav speakers turned on for song!((: